Thursday, July 25, 2013

Father of -Main Street- Homeless Al -

Paul Ding, Hanson Zhang

Another beautiful sunny day in Vancouver, it would be a shame  not to jump at such an occasion!

My friends Paul Ding and Hanson Zhang decided to come along for the interview today. Instead of going to the more ghetto parts of town we decided to try for an interview just outside Main Street Sky train Station.

Homeless Al

Name: Al
Location: Main Street Science World- Sky train
Age: 60
Background: Worked in Automotive industry for over 26 years
History: After several years of labor, chronic injuries to his hands 
and fingers
Current: Spends his time mentoring and giving advice to fellow 
homeless people in the area. 
Notables: Counselled several homeless out of suicide, as well as 
helped fellow (Brian) get off drugs. [Clean for 6 months]

 Just interviewed a homeless guy, and boy what an eye-opening experience. The man, Al, has helped a lot of people overcome their drug addictions and talked others out of suicide. He has nothing, but he gives what he receives to the people in need around him. And he told me that doing this was his purpose; he's never felt more peaceful in his life. Really gets you thinking about how you've been living your life up to now. We shouldn't judge people so quickly. I'm thinking that I'm helping someone who is unable to live a "proper life", but he's actually got it figured out, and is joyfully sharing his wisdom and kindness to total strangers. - Paul Ding

This was a very peculiar interview for me. I walked in anticipating to pity and sympathize with those less fortunate, after about half an hour of listening to him talk I felt envious.

It's quite eye-opening to see, someone who is on the streets everyday with very little possessions to himself has so much compassion and care for others around him. 

I find myself doubting everyday what I am 'meant' to do, and even more time thinking if chasing a particular career or education is the 'right' thing to do. 

I was stunned by the selflessness and compassion that someone like him could exert more sense of fulfillment in his life and has helped prevent suicides, and get others off drugs. 

Homeless Al, though may as much physical possessions as many people out there he has joy in helping others, spreading hope and enjoying life. A joy that exists from spreading it to more people, less fortunate people.  <Mind Blown>  

"I'm at the most peace with myself than I have ever been in my whole life..".- Al 

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