Project #Voice of Homeless

I sat at a Starbucks one afternoon, watching how people reacted to a homeless person.
People avoided eye contact. Made lip curls of disgust. Shot looks of judgement and revulsion. 

How can one be heard? when negative judgement is passed before even a glance is exchanged.

Walk around your neighborhood, anywhere in the world. I'm sure you will see a homeless person somewhere you go.

After living in the most expensive cities to live, in a country with rights and privileges that draws envy to many around the world. I also began questioning myself 'why' is homelessness even situation here in Vancouver.

The truth is,

Most homeless people are primarily a victim of circumstance.

The stories, the tales, the twists and turns in one's life that results in homelessness in Vancouver is strange, different, interesting.

It's not difficult to imagine homelessness in a country stricken with poverty, plagued by disease, lacking in public education, and filled with political corruption.

You don't pick the hands you're dealt just how you play them. The world's a stage and we're all merely players.

Sometimes more often than not, we're unaware of how lucky the circumstances which we are dealt are.

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