Food for Thought

We live in a world of judgement, dictated by it, enforced by it.

The things we own, the education we have, the jobs we seek.  Motives make all the difference.

Often times;

Backed by, observations, confessions, personal experiences.

The car we drive, the house we live in , the brands we purchase, money seems to be the answer. IF I just had enough, had as much as 'that person', just a little more I'd be a little happier, maybe satisfied.

My opinion, perhaps a dream, a vision, a delusion??

Post-Secondary education, higher level education. 
We go into these to pursue knowledge, our interests, what truly makes us passionate and satisfies our thirst for wisdom. A form of requirement we look to fulfill in order to get a Job/Career we desire.

A Career
We go into a career, pursuing what we love. For what we love the most, we work hard at , and hard work is the keystone to success: a successful career. A means to an end. The reason we can stay alive, well fed, well roofed; and to overcompensate and store our confidence, self-worth, and success in objects. 

These are a result of the fruits of our labor. Success comes to those who work hard, are diligent, helpful. Goods or Services; the magnitude and volume of goods you provide, or services you provide is a clear indication of how much you receive. Not all success can be measured in money and money does not bring absolute happiness, so it matters not.  The whole reason we get an education, to get a job, to purchase things. The 'reason' because things make us happier. A nicer car, nicer house, purchase a better life for children. 

Thought process: I want to buy "W",So I need to get "X" amount of money, by getting "Y" Job, in order to do so I need "Z" education. 

Thought process: I'm passionate about learning "X", perhaps I can land a career spending my life devoted to "X". I will eventually get paid to practice my expertise in "X" through passion and hard work devoted to it. Rewards of "Y" will come in their own way. 

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